Certified Penetration Testing Professional (CPENT)

A rigorous Penetration Testing program that, unlike contemporary Penetration Testing courses, teaches you how to perform an effective Penetration test across filtered networks. C|PENT is a multidisciplinary course with extensive hands-on training in a wide range of crucial skills, including advanced Windows attacks, Internet of Things (IoT) and Operational Technology (OT) systems, filtered network bypass techniques, exploit writing, single and double pivoting, advanced privilege escalation, and binary exploitation. In summary, there is no program of its kind in the world.

Course Description

The C|PENT range, which is where our Penetration Testers gain real-world skills, it is designed to provide challenges across every level of the attack spectrum. Additionally, the range contains multiple layers of network segmentation, and once access is gained in one segment, the latest pivoting techniques are required to reach the next segment. Many of the challenges will require outside the-box thinking and customization of scripts and exploits to get into the innermost segments of the network.

Course Outcome

  • Mastery of Penetration Testing skills.
  • Perform the repeatable methodology.
  • Commitment to the code of ethics.
  • Present analysed results through structured reports

Target Audience

  • Ethical Hackers                                                 
  • Penetration Testers
  • Network Server Administrators                
  • Firewall Administrators
  • Security Testers                                               
  • System Administrators and Risk Assessment Professionals
  • Cybersecurity Forensic Analyst                  
  • Cyberthreat Analyst
  • Cloud Security                                                  
  • Analyst Information Security Consultant
  • Application Security Analyst                       
  • Cybersecurity Assurance Engineer
  • Security Operations Center (SOC) Analyst
  • Technical Operations Network Engineer
  • Information Security Engineer                   
  • Network Security Penetration Tester
  • Network Security Engineer                          
  • Information Security Architect

If you take a seat with us, you are going to get all the necessary information for your Successful Career Growth. We are also looking to help professionals and service providers who are trying to reach their potential.