Certified Secure Computer User (CSCU)

The CSCU training program aims at equipping the students with the necessary knowledge and skills to protect their information assets. The program is designed to interactively teach the students about the whole gamut of information security threats they face ranging from identity theft and credit card fraud to their physical safety. The skills acquired during the course of this program will not only help the students to identify these threats but also to mitigate them effectively.

Entry requirements

  • This course is specifically designed for todays' computer users who use the internet and the www extensively to work, study and play.

Course Duration

  • 1 month

Course Outline

  • Introduction to Security
  • Securing Operating Systems
  • Malware and Antivirus
  • Internet Security
  • Security on Social Networking Sites
  • Securing Email Communications
  • Securing Mobile Devices
  • Securing the Cloud
  • Securing Network Connections
  • Data Backup and Disaster Recovery

If you take a seat with us, you are going to get all the necessary information for your Successful Career Growth. We are also looking to help professionals and service providers who are trying to reach their potential.